Screenwriting : Dialogue/Action by Christian Conte

Christian Conte


Question about formatting. Say a character is being interviewed by a cop. She begins to speak, but as she speaks, we cut away to the actual action that she is narrating. So her narration and the action are happening concurrently. How do you format that? Anyone have a script I can reference? I appreciate the help!

Dan Guardino

I would cut to the action and use Voice Over when showing the action.

Doug Nelson

Dan's got it but your question is how to write it. You have a master scene, the cop speaks, the woman starts to speak...INSERT a sub scene in which the woman continues to speak V.O. Then; BACK TO SCENE. It's formatted like a flashback except that it's a current event. Any way, that's how I'd structure it - hope it helps.

Christian Conte

Thanks guys

Christian Conte

Do you know of any scripts I can get online that show that technique?

Doug Nelson

I can't think of one off-hand but when it comes to basic format issues you can't go wrong reading The Screenwriter's Bible by Dave Trottier; (he's known as Dr. Format and an all round nice guy.)

Kelly Krause

'The Usual Suspects' uses V.O. (Verbal Kint/Kevin Spacey) regularly to describe action scenes/flashbacks:

Dan Guardino

Like Kelly said 'Usual Suspects' would be a great one to look at.

Christian Conte

Thanks everyone!

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