Screenwriting : Seeking Respresentation after option by Tracy Stowers

Tracy Stowers

Seeking Respresentation after option

I recently optioned my first script to an indie producer and would like to use this momentum to find an agent. Any advice in the forum?

Lisa Clemens
Jason Spellman

Tracy, Congratulations on the option. I personally know how hard that is. Do you have other screenplays? What are you expecting to happen if you do find an agent? In my experience I landed my first WGA agent well before I had an option and he made it very clear that he would not shop it around for me. It was my job to cold query and get the script out there. When the time came, he stepped up to the plate and helped with the contract. It's best to have a few scripts too. Most agents won't rep a writer with just one script. They want to know that there is potential for more money. If you already have an option with no other scripts, there's not a whole lot that can do for you. I've come to find that if you have a producer that wants to make a deal, at that point is when you contact agencies. "I have a deal on the table. Can you help me?" That sense of urgency pushes them to consider taking you on as a client. It worked for me once. Basically just know that agent or not, YOU WILL BE DOING ALL YOUR OWN MARKETING, unless you have a successful film made and then...they will find you. I would suggest using an entertainment lawyer to go over any future contracts if you don't land an agent. Always cover your ass. I was recently featured on The Selling Your Screenplay podcast with Ashley Scott Meyers. Here's a link to the interview where I go into detail on how I landed an agent, lost an agent and optioned my very first screenplay. Hope this helps, best of luck. Jason Spellman

Pj McIlvaine

Tracy, not to rain on your parade--but this will probably not induce an agent to jump at the bit to sign you. Just a hard reality. When my Showtime deal presented itself, I couldn't get an agent either. Keep writing, keep making connections and networking, and market yourself. When the time--the script--is right, agents will come to you.

Tracy Stowers

Thanks for all the replies. I really appreciate the advice. I have a few other marketable scripts for which I have sent out query letters. It's a waiting game. Just trying to make the most of these networking opportunities. :-)

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