Screenwriting : What could happen next if someone was that good? by Victor Titimas

Victor Titimas

What could happen next if someone was that good?

Watched another one that made me wonder what the hell am I doing.

The type of movie that makes you ashamed you dare to even dream about this...:(

And it's making me sad sometimes, because I'm just not that good, and watching them just makes you feel "small"..:(

So, just for "entertainment" and imagination: What if someone can write something THAT good?

Something you could count among those movies that became legendary, both new and old(eg:Terminator 2, Home Alone, Matrix, and many other such films)...

Like someone having a kind of literary superpowers that enable them to pen such "pieces" today... What happens next?:)

PS: The movie was Air Force One. But there are others, like those I mentioned, but still others.... Most with huge actors we rarely see in movies anymore...

Stephanie Acon

Victor why compare yourself to the creations of others? Whoever wrote whatever movies you're referring to had their own reason for writing them...and you have to have yours. Forget the "others". I don't look to my left nor my right. Nor do I think anybody's anything is better than mines. I personally have my own purpose for writing the stories I write, and feel nobody can do what I do how I do it. That's how YOU have to enter this game. Like an emerging warrior, confident, own style, no competition. Period. GOT IT

Enmerkar Zedek

These weren't the works of ones with literary superpowers. Those were team projects built around solid principles of writing, drama, lighting, sound, film making, etc. They were well crafted from thousands of hours of writing and rewriting, shots and reshots, etc. No point comparing yourself to them, because you're comparing yourself to a well experienced "crowd" and not a single individual. Instead of comparing, I'd recommend you take notes of the parts that really moved you and try and integrate it into your own project within your own budget.

Speaking personally, I often find myself comparing when I don't have a driving vision for my next project. Its easy to fall into depression. What works for me is to simply brainstorm and allow my imagination and passion to get me going unto the next project.

Jacob Buterbaugh

Learn from the movies, the television series, and the people that inspire you and intimidate you. This gives you a sense of direction. But don't compare yourself to them. That's just a recipe for procrastination.

I think the best thing you can probably do is compare what you're working on now to what you were working on a year ago. As long as you're improving, even if it's just a little bit, with each project, you're on the right track. And if you're not improving, even just a little bit with each project, you need to pinpoint what needs improvement. Then you need to focus on that.

John Ellis

Go watch a couple of made-for-Syfy flicks (Sharktopus, Arachnoquake, Raptor Island-sheesh!). That will cure any feelings about "what the hell am I doing?" For every masterpiece, there's a dozen shitbombs. Write the stories you want to, the best that you can, and be content within yourself. :)

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