Success Stories: SEP'11 Keep the Dream Alive!

Keep the Dream Alive!

Wrapping up a fabulous week on a high – two script requests. Producer David Harris request my romantic comedy CHILDHOOD ISSUES and WedgeWorks VP - Nikki Levy requested my superhero action thriller MIRACLE MAN. I was hesitant about posting my latest successes of having my scripts requested because the last batch all returned with a PASS. I wanted to wait until I signed a deal for a sale before making any further posts. But, the writer’s journey consists of countless small steps and tons of hope. Having one’s script requested after pitching it is one of those small steps that fills this writer’s bucket with the hope necessary to keep writing. Thanks Joey and Stage 32 for help keeping the flames burning. John A

Dave McCrea

Nice! your concepts sound cool, something will break for ya soon

Amanda Toney

Congrats John! Definitely celebrate every victory (no matter how big or small) that comes your way! :)

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