OTT & Transmedia : Producers Guild, New Media Council update on the State of Transmedia Storytelling by Jonathan Kramer

Jonathan Kramer

Producers Guild, New Media Council update on the State of Transmedia Storytelling

This is a VERY worthwhile read for those interested in the current status of the art form and has been recommended by Jeff Gomez among many others:

Jean Buschmann

Great to see you doing you, Jonathan - and sharing insights from the cutting edge of new media!

Jonathan Kramer

Great to see me doing me? I do great impressions of Groucho Marx too, LOL. Thanks Jean...since you may be new here, this category was added over a year ago due to my constant badgering of RB, so I'll always be posting when I learn of information that benefits those interested. The out of the box, non-linear thinkers are a small community but we'll continue to grow you can be sure!

Jean Buschmann

Ha ha! Yes, I get it. Throughout history novel ideas have always met with resistance...until they became commonplace, then cliche...and the next novelty emerged. = Cycle of life/ aka creative destruction that trend-watchers now call "interruption". Nothing new under the sun. Lol ...That's why I applaud "edge" thinkers, doers, and mavericks. aka People who "do" new, or stay true to themselves and their vision. Most follow few dare to lead. -- I say that without judgment, btw. We need both leaders and followers for a balanced system. Too many cooks in the kitchen is a sure recipe for disaster. ;)

Jonathan Kramer

Oddly one of my many past career paths was that of a chef/restaurateur so you're quite right in your closing statement. However collaboration is the fuel of creative endeavor and with transmedia it requires a bevy of creative minds who remain in what I call the 'What If"

Jean Buschmann

Well said, collaboration is key to creative success. Being a chef (or one of several sous chefs) means nothing without people to partake of our creations. - Watch our films, read our books, act out our scripts, finance our projects, etc.... Storytelling is a communal/tribal process, always has been, always will be. Like life itself, which stories/media reflects back to us. It's all consciousness experiencing itself, reflecting, and expanding. - "What if" is a great way to express it. Love that.

Jonathan Kramer

Great minds think alike..Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like bananas :)

Jean Buschmann

:) To be clear to anyone who lands here, "leader" and "follower" are transient terms to me, not character judgments. We are ALL leaders in some ways, along certain paths, and all followers down other paths . If we were to call the whole of creativity a unified field, it would be informed and energized by each part. Evolution being a constant that would follow whoever happens to be leading or leaning into a new direction at any given time. Just sayin' cuz I personally don't like labels or judgments, so I try not to apply them to others. (Trust me, I know how easy it is to misinterpret peoples' words &/or intentions...leading to all sorts of false impressions, and painful lingering misconceptions.) So when in doubt, I'll spell it out. ❤️ :?)

Jean Buschmann

Reposting a NEW YouTube clip - "Transmedia Has Changed the Game for Creators" - Just stumbled on this, then noticed someone already posted it on the Stage. Thought this would be a great thread to repost it in.

Jonathan Kramer

Yes Jean..Nuno was one of the first and therefore extremely knowledegable...You'd benefit greatly by reading the two books he wrote, though to be honest. Rob Pratten's or Henry Jenkin's books on Transmedia Storytelling are far better. Also Conducttr is the ultimate platform for developing, creating and marketing multi-platform projects and is headed by Rob Pratten in the UK.

Jean Buschmann

Good to know! Thanks. Jonathan. :)

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