Noelle's dilemma pt.1 | Ruthe McDonald

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Ruthe McDonald

Noelle's Dilemma Pt.1

Noelle's Dilemma, Part 1 "I Won't Give Up" Book 1, The DelFyres ‪#‎NoellesDilemma‬ Part 1 ‪#‎Sneekpeek‬ Was she really that transparent? Did she really think she could fool her family and closest friends? Not really. They had no idea how truly sadistic her Ex was. What all she suffered at his hands. The memory nauseating and sending shivers up Noelle’s spine. And now there was Jordan. His accusations and mistrust hurt her more than any physical blow. She was ready to bare her heart and soul to him. What went wrong? Feeling as though she were drowning, Noelle wanted to reach out to her twin. But she wouldn't. Not now with the baby coming. She thought of Z and Reign. The tears coming harder, she rubbed her eyes vigorously. She couldn’t tell them everything, she decided. It was easier her way; to hit the road and tell them she needed some space. The truth of the matter was…she was running. Again. Her heart felt like it was ripped out of her chest and incinerated. No. She determined, convincing herself. She needed to be by herself. Nonna would have understood. She'd call and tell Ethan where she was going, but only if he swore not to tell anyone or to come after her. All Noelle needed now were two things: her camera and Lorenzo–her motorcycle. Anything else, she’d pick up along the way.~‪#‎NoelleDSheridan‬ ‪#‎IWONTGIVEUP‬ Book 1 ‪#‎TheDelFyreSeries‬ ‪#‎WritersConfession‬: Much like my ‪#‎character‬ Noelle, I always found it easier to withhold the truth of what I endured under the guise of protecting my loved ones. The truth is, I was trying to protect myself from having to deal with the pain and the truth that I wish I’d recognized sooner. Just like my character Noelle learns, running never solves anything, it only delays the inevitable. And when you finally face the truth, you experience a freedom you’ll wonder how you ever lived without. In my character development, I took the time remember my own truths and life lessons. It helped me to ‪#‎write‬ with abandon. Leaving blood, sweat, and tears on the editing floor, I'm giving my readers something real, authentic and raw. I give me. No. Holds. Bar. ‪#‎writerslife‬ ‪#‎novelist‬ ‪#‎AuthorRutheMcDonald‬ ‪#‎fiction‬ ‪#‎artimitatinglife‬ ‪#‎writingismypassion‬ ‪#‎indie‬ ‪#‎bookexcerpt‬ ‪#‎motorcycles‬ ‪#‎indieauthor‬ ‪#‎comingsoon‬ ‪#‎verrazano‬ ‪#‎NY‬

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