Composer, storyteller, writer and the sworn enemy of Microstegium Vimineum. I was a camera man for BCTV, I produce my own lyrical songs and instrumental compositions, I have scripted and produced successful audio dramas (private projects only), I won second in the Passages national essay contest, I took acting lessons in college and directed a small stage drama. I also like to tell people about how I sang on stage with Taylor Swift... It's true, though I doubt she remembers it as we were just part of a children's choir. :)
I began writing music at the age of six and became more serious about it around the age of sixteen. My music tends toward instrumental compositions with a distinct melody (often in a minor key) and Christian lyrical songs either original or re-writings of old hymns. My musical influences are very diverse but include Aram Khachaturian, Brahms, Lecrae, Adolph Jensen, Nikolai Ladukhin, Phil Keaggy, Aaron Shust, Molotow Brass Orkestar, Lecuona, Scott Joplin and old American parlor music. I aim for the unique and memorable.
You can hear some samples of my music here:
Unique traits: Can play piano in the dark. :)
Okalase Comedy ⋄ Drama An aging widow with a undying dedication to her dying hometown unwittingly introduces the very change she has fought to avoid her whole life and must learn to adapt or lose her only friends.
Bob the Detective Does it Again! Mystery ⋄ Film-noir ⋄ Comedy A clueless private detective searches for the whereabouts of two, identical stolen vehicles in a case which threatens to undo his illustrious career.