Acting : Actress looking for Voice Over experience by Emma Cavalier

Emma Cavalier

Actress looking for Voice Over experience

Stage 32 members, are there any voice over jobs or anyone offering free training in the Southern Connecticut area? Check out my profile to hear a couple of my sound clips. I'm an experienced actress with a repertoire of work in film and theatre, now looking to gain some exciting voice over experience. Any advice?

Kirk Johnson - We are producing an audio series and on the look out for talent, check out our "Audio Series" page on our website.

Emma Cavalier

I saw your website. Sounds like a fun project. A few questions: How many seasons of the series are you planning to create, and how many episodes in a season? Does your company pay for the recording studio? And is there any compensation for the actors?

Kirk Johnson

12 episodes to a season. Each episode will be sold separately, then every 12 will become a volume. There is not a limited number of seasons we're shooting for. Starting out everyone involved with an episode receives a percentage of the sales of that episode for as long as it's marketed. From there we will be going to a flat per word rate. No, we do not pay for equipment or recording studio time. Most people either have some type of equipment or know someone who does. Any more questions let me know. Thanks


First off, if you find FREE training, Stop!! And do some SERIOUS research on who you're dealing with. Sumthin just ain't addin up!! Second, VO is acting, yet is still a different beast. Third, I tell the following to everyone looking to get into V.O....verbatim: 1st. Get all the information about the business you can get in your circle. Start by going to and watch the episodes INTENTLY. The information is priceless, it's coming from the leaders in the industry and IT'S FREE!! The hosts are great people and feel free to comment. 2nd. Forget about your voice and everything you can do with it, because it's's primarily about your reading...ALOUD...for long periods of time, DELIVERY, technique, etc. Gotta get some coaching. Shoot me an email (, I'll make sure you have a bunch of info and then you can make an informed decision. If you go for it, you're gonna be in great company. The people in the VO community are fantastic and wanna see you win. I'm one of em. All the best. Peace and blessings

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