Introduce Yourself : I'm a bad scientific experiment gone wrong: human hybrid of author and artist. by John Gregory Hancock

John Gregory Hancock

I'm a bad scientific experiment gone wrong: human hybrid of author and artist.

Hi guys, I'm still working on the right brain/left brain spaghetti noodle gray matter Jenga puzzle thing. I write under the name (which is still my real name, dammit!) of John Gregory Hancock, and I have several (more than six, less than a million) books available on Amazon and a couple of audio books on audible. I also illustrate them and design the covers. I won't plug them (not sure if you are allowed), but remember to search with my full name. Just searching "John Hancock" will get you lost in a morass of historical and insurance-y and building-y type things so who needs that aggravation? My books are not widely read, yet, but I do hover around 4-5 stars in the reviews. Mostly. Although I did get a very entertaining one star review that still cracks me up. I'm also working in the background on a Screenplay thriller. And I think at least two of my books, ROOF and Crawlspace, would make good movies. I self-publish so far, but I'm possibly going to finish up an expansion of a short horror story into a novella for a well known publishing company. (Shhh- its a secret!) My day job for the last thirty years or so is graphic design, mostly in newspapers (in the past: Chicago Tribune, Dayton Daily News) right now for a business journal. I've been lucky enough or the judges were drunk enough to give me over 25 national and international design awards. I once met the real batman in a book store (Adam West). I asked him if he were batman, and he said "Why, has there been a crime, citizen?" I have lots of interesting stories to share, and I love to hear interesting things. Thanks for reading this far, if you have. And if you haven't, why the heck am I typing this? seems like a monumental opportunity to say all sorts of crazy things about you like "your hair is on fire!" and you don't get to read it. Sorry about the scalp burns.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi John, Soooo... seven books? :) Indeed, without your middle name you can't ask to get to the top of search engines... :) I can't complain about that. There's a way through the app to add photos to posts, nothing wrong with adding photos, but there should be a way to do so via regular posting methods in the browser soon (Shhh- its a secret as well!) B.T.W. - real batman is Michael Keaton and I don't have hair.

John Gregory Hancock

aw, well, I've not met Michael Keaton, so the realness of Adam West stands. I'll have to add some photos soon.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Haha, indeed. I mean it could be worse, it could have been Clooney or Kilmer... :)

Richard "RB" Botto

You had me at the subject line. Awesome post. Great to have you and your talents here on 32, John!

John Gregory Hancock

thanks for the warm welcome, folks.

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