Success Stories: JUL'12 Screenplay Requested

Screenplay Requested

My first pitch and my Screenplay was requested by Rachel Weiss at IPG! Thanks Joey and crew for the opportunity! Also, if you're hesitant to pitch like I was, don't be... Good things can happen!

Eric Westlake

Very exciting. Congrats !

Elisabeth Meier

Coooooool! :)

Robert Vink

That's great. Hope it works out!

Tamal Dutta

All the Best

Frank Gaydos

First one out-of-the chute! of luck..get to writing those other screen plays in your head..

Eric Westlake

How exciting. First pitch lands first request. It doesn't get much better than that. Best of luck moving forward.

Dru Holley

Shout out to Jennifer Taylor-Whitehorn,Dawn Murrell and Kathryn Rushent. Thank you for all your imput. And I'm taking all challengers!!

Marcia Chandler Rhea

Congratulations! What a great story! Best of luck to you!

Shawn Speake


Emma J Steele

Congratulations, Jonathan!

Jonathan Floyd

Thank you all for the support!

Laurie Kehoe


Maria Torrez- Ellsperman

Good Job Jonathan! Well done. Good luck with the project. Pens Up!

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