Introduce Yourself : Actor from Spain! by José Miguel Hitos Camero

Actor from Spain!

Hi everyone! I'm José Miguel Hitos, actor from Granada, Spain. Next month, I move to Madrid to get a lot of experience on acting there. I hope to get here, on Stage 32, the opportunity to work around the world with all the people in this industry. Thanks to Jennifer Norton my acting teacher in Florence, for show me this community! I'm really exciting to be part of this =)

Nigel Hendriks

Hi José! Welcome to the community :) Good luck with your acting journey in Madrid, I hope it works out for you!

José Miguel Hitos Camero

Thanks Nigel! I hope so too! =)

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Oh HO! The way better happy face with the equals sign! Thanks, Jose! =) =) =) lovin' it!

Jorge J Prieto

Jose, chaval! Welcome, Madrid my second home. Love your country, your people, your food. Lots of talented film makers and actors in Spain. Loved your movies since I was six. Bienvenido a Stage 32, brother. Best of luck.

Debbie Croysdale

Hi Jose Im often in Granada, (low end Andalucia). Also I will be in Madrid at some stage in September. In the future, (not now cos I'm busy) I will be creating an Indie group in Spain, with view to collaboration on entries for Marbella Film Festival. Thanks for your intro, Welcome.

José Miguel Hitos Camero

Thanks you all for the welcome! I agree with you Jorge, Spain is a really nice country, I would like to make big things here, and at some point maybe move to EEUU =) And Debbie if you are working on Granada or Madrid, I would be pleased to collaborate with you!

Debbie Croysdale

Yes, definitely Jose. We've got the beautiful backdrops of Alpajuras mountain range, the sea, and many other interesting settings. I've already got location permissions for caves, bars and clubs. I'm waiting for an answer to be allowed to use a hotel when it's closed, for which I have multiple script ideas. I will message you my email when I'm next over. Hasta Luego!!

José Miguel Hitos Camero

That would be great! yeah here there's a lot of good places and posibilitys =) Thank you Debbie!

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