Anything Goes : "Special Needs Individuals" Hire for production by Ed Reyes

Ed Reyes

"Special Needs Individuals" Hire for production

Hi Stage32 friends, A friend of mine would like to start her own Entertainment/Media Company but wants to solely employee individuals with "Special Needs". Anyone currently doing so, or what is her best approach for her startup. Any advice is welcome. Thanks Ed Reyes

Ed Reyes

Hi Helen, thanks for the feedback. Just to clarify my friend is going through an Entrepreneurial Training Program and working on her business plan/business model. She has a background in Production ages ago, but is currently teaching, as she quotes "Special Needs" youths. I realize that there are a lot of uniquely talented individuals that could probably do a great job in positions on productions shoots. The dilemma is finding industry data so that she can add those statistics to her financial analysis, cost and roi, etc. Also, in her business model she is trying to focus on providing behind the camera jobs. Whether they're production assistants, but something that would allow the individual to complete a task they would be hired to do like everyone else. I advised her to check out her local SBA, so they can advise her on tax credits for hiring individuals with disabilities via the Americans with Disabilities Act. I am on a panel of Angel Investors, VCs, and graduation from the program is in 2 weeks, so hopefully she'll be able find the info she needs to complete her business plan and secure funding for her startup. If anyone can assist or point her in the right direction this is her link on stage32 Many Thanks to this community.

Ed Reyes

Yes, I agree. That's why I invited her to meet RB at the same film festival in Hollywood and to talk to the panel there. So instead I suggested that she join Stage32, create a profile and ask the community. She's probably busy on finding the resources or not sure how to utilize this network, so I figured I'd get the ball rolling for her. I did speak with the class last night and gave them this example: I told them, when I survived chemo/cancer and couldn't find work, I created it. Same for her, if she can find jobs for the disabled, create the jobs for them. Just like this news video. Makes sense.

Steve Adams

If you need someone to be in front of the camera who will present an attractive, engaging, and successful view of people with special needs, please contact me to meet Abigail Adams a truly unique and charming self-advocate with Down syndrome.

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