Introduce Yourself : Hi! by Carmencita Poe

Carmencita Poe


Hi, all. I am Carmencita A. Poe from Atlanta, GA and I am an aspiring writer and producer. After several years of working in arts administration and dabbling in other areas of the performing arts, I've finally decided to pursue my true passions. One project that I am working on is a documentary for the theatrical group of my college alma mater.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi Carmencita, welcome to Stage 32. Writer you say? I did not see that listed in you occupations. Would you rather see yourself as an author, screenwriter or a playwright? We have a lot of talented people from Atlanta on our site, make sure to look around and say hi to some of them. Making connections is the first critical step in any successful collaboration.

Carmencita Poe

Hi, Tomasz. You're absolutely right. I didn't list 'writer' as one of my occupations mainly because I'm not a published writer although I have written for organizations where I've previously worked. Writing is my first love and I guess I'm more of a perfectionist in that area than in any other. I would love to be all three types of writers. This is my order of preference: Author (mainly creative nonfiction), playwright (my concentration in college), and screenwriter. I will definitely browse around the site more and make connections. Thanks for commenting!

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Sure thing, Carmencita. Keep in mind that a lot of 32-ers list the profession they want to pursue or be a part of in any way. This way if somebody bumps into you, they know that writing is something that is dear to you. There are loads of webinars teaching screenwriting in the education section (, play-writing webinars are a bit harder to come by, but of course a lot of this information applies globally to writing. As for authors, Stage 32 probably has more useful resources for those who have published their work rather than for those who are still working on it, as it usually involves turning a novel into a picture. #1 advice I can give you that isn't related to this site is - write every day, but remember that you can't do it all on your own, that's why a place where you can meet thousands of other creatives is so crucial. Happy networking, holidays & new year, or in short: Loads of happiness. :)

Carmencita Poe

I appreciate the advice! Thanks!

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