Your Stage : RB Content challenge 2: "Full Circle at Wyndham's" by Michael Bott

Michael Bott

RB Content challenge 2: "Full Circle at Wyndham's"

Episode 3 of my podcast and a very special story. For three glorious months, back in the Summer of In 2014, I was very honoured and privileged to be understudy to the great Bill Nighy in the revival of David Hare's 'Skylight' at Wyndham's Theatre, directed by Stephen Daldry. This is a little story about luck, fate, and synchronicity, cause and effect - call it what you will. It has a longish preface because it revolves around this very significant event in my life. In order for the jewel to shine, it need to be bedded in the right setting - so bear with me!

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