Introduce Yourself : Cheers from Jersey by TJ King

TJ King

Cheers from Jersey

How's everyone doing? I am a 23 year-old aspiring screenwriter based out of the greater NYC area. My strength is in scripted comedy (pilots, specs and sketches) but have begun to dabble in television drama writing. I have already completed two original black comedy pilots as well as a second episode of each. The first is about a man who finds out he has cancer and decides to get his old band back together while the second is about two failed screenwriters who get embroiled with the local mob after they botch a routine snatch and grab job. I also have written a Modern Family spec script, which I submitted to various studio sponsored writing fellowships in California, as well as begun development on web series.

Richard "RB" Botto

Terrific to have you here, TJ. Be sure to check out the Screenwriting section of the Lounge. Always great conversations happening over there!

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