Introduce Yourself : Expanding Creative Team for my Movie Production Company by Natalie Melvin

Natalie Melvin

Expanding Creative Team for my Movie Production Company

Aloha, creative talents! I am a writer/EP/ owner of a newly established production company in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA with my first Mystery Thriller feature film in development in partnership with a producer from LA. I am currently creating a slate of feature thriller projects and opening this opportunity for creative team to collaborate / participate in company shares /develop projects, etc. Looking forward to connecting. Best!

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Sounds awesome Natalie. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing end results. :) I know very little about the industry in Honolulu. One thing you could try is get a meetup started and invite some of the other creatives near you: Just a thought. Good luck.

Natalie Melvin

Thank you, Thomas for your great suggestion. Creating local community of like-minded filmmakers is a marvelous thing. We do have many talented creatives, production companies and groups of which I am a part of and I am always open to expand my horizons for existing projects with A-list crew and talent in development and many more projects in a pipeline. Best to you too! Cheers!

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