Your Stage : Crowdfunding for my new short film "One Shot" by Christian D Chapra

Christian D Chapra

Crowdfunding for my new short film "One Shot"

Follow the link below to learn about my fundraising campaign for my new short film "One Shot". This story about a decorated police detective learning she has terminal ovarian cancer is sure to wow audiences! This film will give employment to crew members, accountants, and actors in the New England film industry. Your support will bring this story thrilling story to life! Donor awards begin at the $25 dollar mark, all the way through to $1,000, with the chance to attend an online preview as an "Executive Producer", and give feedback, before the film enters the festival circuit. This is a rare opportunity to become part of a very special film. I know we all say that about our own work, but I am especially proud of the reception this script has received. Calls for, "when are we shooting", have been loud, and universal! Thank you for your contribution!

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