Introduce Yourself : My profile isn't 100%, so now I'm introducing myself by Trevor Waggoner

Trevor Waggoner

My profile isn't 100%, so now I'm introducing myself

Hi there! Stage 32 told me to do this, so here goes nothin'! My name is Trevor Waggoner. As of today, I officially live in Hollywood! My goal in life is to somehow be responsible for people's laughter. I am still looking for an entry level job, but my ultimate goal is to be a writer and producer of comedic content. I used to be on a sketch comedy troupe in college and have done two separate intro to improv classes, so I am basically an expert in literally saying "Yes, And". Almost all of the sketches I wrote are on YouTube. I also made a short video entitled "High Waisted Shorts For Men , which is also on YouTube and on my Stage 32 profile. Check it out! Please! I crave attention!

Andrew Farnsworth

Hi. Thanks for the message

Richard Gustason

Welcome my friend and I know all to well being responsible for people's laughter being a comic. And wish you nothing but the best in Hollywood.

Jack Goldenberg

Hey Trevor, I write humorous blogs and since I honed my craft my reading humorous things others wrote, I wanted to invite you to check out my blog, 10 Minutes of Brilliance ( If you think it's funny, subscribe to it. Best of luck. If I can ever be of any help mir advice, just contact me at

Richard "RB" Botto

You turned "nothin'"into somethin'. Great Introduce Yourself post, Trevor. Great to have you in the mix!

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