Introduce Yourself : Hello Stage 32! by Jacob Whitley

Jacob Whitley

Hello Stage 32!

Hello Everyone, I am an independent producer from Orange County California. I have produced 3 feature leangth films and I am looking for my next big project. My passion is horror and crime drama films. I can make anything happen from small to large budgets. All the best, Jacob Whitley

Jaap Ruurd Feitsma

Take a peek at my website, perhaps the In Development page has something interesting on it. If so, let me know! :)

Mark S. England

Would you be interested in looking at my logline? It's horror/suspense.

John Michael German

Dear Jacob Whitley: Congratulations on all of your success you have had throughout your career, especially, within your bio, what seems to be you were sprinting instantly out of the gates like the American Pharoah racing towards the triple crown. I am sure with all of that success, you will have no trouble finding the next project to create another fulfilling, and entertaining experience for every audience member. Stage32, and the film industry, I'm sure, are proud to have you within their community. All the best to everything you will continue to do. Sincerely, John German

Sadie Dean

Welcome to the community, Jacob!

Matt Hurd

Welcome, Jacob! Great to have you in the community.

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