Introduce Yourself : Introduce Myself by Stacey Genève Travis

Stacey Genève Travis

Introduce Myself

Hello! I have been a member since 2013 and thought I introduced myself but is showing I had not. Stage32 is a wonderful platform for all Artists. I am an up and coming Writer/Director and I've met some great people her on Stage32 whom I am collaborating with on my current project, 'Justice'. I am looking forward to collaborate with some great Artist in the future. I wish all of you the very best!

Richard "RB" Botto

Great to see you, Stacey! Looking forward to seeing you on the site more often!

Stacey Genève Travis

Thank you so much RB! I am looking forward to spending more time on the site.

Richard "RB" Botto

Looking forward to your contributions, Stacey! And I thank you in advance for sharing Stage 32 with your fellow creative peers!

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