Introduce Yourself : Still learning, connecting, hoping by Troy .

Troy .

Still learning, connecting, hoping

After years of denial, I finally came to grips with what it was am, a writer. It should have been detected long ago as my love of telling a story, be it thru script, book or song should have been a hint. Now that I have have accepted my life's mission, I hope I am accepted in the entertainment field I wish to pursue. 

I am the author and screenwriter for "The Money Island" and am halfway finished with the sequel "The Island's Money" and hope to make my publisher proud. Should I have turned down the big studio offer? I'll never know but my gut told me not to trust the messenger. That move proved to be right. Turning down the indie directors? Only time will tell. I am open to critiques and input as I realize daily that I am not the smartest one each day as a I grow my network. Feel free to reach out.

Amanda Toney

What a great comment Troy. If storytelling is in your heart and soul then you are on the right path. Good luck with The Island's Money!

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