Introduce Yourself : Screenplay writer by Cesare Massaini

Cesare Massaini

Screenplay writer

Hy everyone, my name is Cesare Massaini and I'm an italian screenwriter. since I wrote few horror script but here in italy they say they are too much bloody, scary, and whatever esle. Since I know myself i told to them I will never write a commedy just because my country just want commedy, I wrote what make me feels good, which is horror and thriller. So I traslated in english the scripts and now im happy to enjoy this community! Hope everyone is doing fine! Greetings from Italy.


Victor Titimas

Hi and welcome here! Just wanting to say that you should write what you are passionate about/interested in, not what others "order" you to.

Action movies are pretty violent and many horror movies are scary as hell(Although after 8-9 seasons of "A Haunting", scary becomes more difficult for me)... These genres have a good audience.

That being said, there IS a line we shouldn't cross, because if exagerated, some stories are too extreme and downright disguisting(eg: sadism, torture movies, indecence, etc) and will only get very few people interested.

Cesare Massaini

Thanks for your thoughts mR. Titimas, i agree with you, im a kind of guy who likes story in the x-files way, interested in cold case and mysterious omicide... however, since I?m italian and we dont have a school of screenwriting, I like to study on another screenplay. I have this interests goin since I was a kid dont know why.

Lukas Flemming

Ciao and welcome!

Cesare Massaini

Ciao Pamela, Thanks ehehe. greetings from Italy!

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