Cinematography : Lighting Lounge? by Jaap Ruurd Feitsma

Jaap Ruurd Feitsma

Lighting Lounge?

Lighting (or Electrics), while being a HUGE part of the cinematography of course, could use a Lounge on its own in my opinion. What do you think? And the same could be said for 'Grip' for instance. Any thoughts? It is just an idea of course :)

Doug Nelson

I agree with the lighting forum idea for both the technical aspect and the cinematic vision and creative aspects It would be nice but I don't know the elements needed to generate and support another forum - a few were recently deleted - I don't know why..

Rakesh Malik

In principle I agree; it would be great to have a forum that's dedicated to the craft of cinematography... especially if the participants really were interested in the craft, and not just in the gear.

Andrew Sobkovich

There is nothing keeping you from posting about lighting here and now.

Are there enough people on Stage32 that are actually interested in discussions revolving around that portion of Cinematography? How many might actually take part? How many would rather just download an app?

Nancy Ericsson

Great idea!

Rakesh Malik

That's my question... almost every cinematography related forum I've seen has turned into a gearfest, and there's rarely any discussion on lighting and shooting.

Is there a chance that such a forum here could actually involve lighting and shooting instead of gear? :)

Jaap Ruurd Feitsma

Doug Nelson, I had no idea that a few lounges were recently deleted! That is interesting, though. I wonder, as well as most of us I guess, if Stage 32 is the right place for a more specialistic Lounge like 'lighting'. It depends on what the majority of members would like to have. In my opinion, it could be a great asset. Lighting scenes can be very technical and creative and it could be a very interesting place to learn from each other. Share lighting plans, screenshots from Pre-Lighting setups and BTS photographs, etc. Explaining how and why someone chose to do something this way or that way... And for Gaffers and Cinematographers to find a place to discuss these things, network, etc.

Andrew Sobkovich, I recon there are (some) people here that are serious about their cinematography and lighting techniques. I always found the Lounges a place to inspire each other and to learn from each other. Lighting plays such a key role in getting the desired 'look & feel' for a certain project, that I kind of feel like it deserves an actual Lounge :)

Nancy Ericsson, thanks :) What do you think such a Lounge should entail? Any ideas on that? :)

Rakesh Malik, Gear, gear.. I mean: hear, hear... :')

Here's one example I'd like to share before I stop writing :P I recently had to do a night shoot in the middle of forest. When I created the light plans (together with my gaffer), we were really looking to talk with fellow cinematographers and gaffers on how to get the scene(s) just right. Everything went fine and our pre-lighting setup and lighting plans were very well thought trough and the shoot itself went perfectly and we found very creative ways to light as if the moon was shining throughout the trees. But to brainstorm with fellow makers on topics like this, to share the millions of different options, would have been GREAT (and lots of fun, I made add). :)

Royce Allen Dudley

Among the thousands of users here, there are working professionals who both lurk and contribute. Lighting and camera operation are equal subsets of cinematography. In fact in my career I have always suggested the two are not separate things but always interconnected. In any case discussions do tend to devolve to equipment comparisons and opinions. That's shallow and unfortunate but the fact is it's the users who dictate the use; no one is stopping anyone from discussing lighting in depth. Stage32 offers webinars for people that want more info from pros on their time.

Jaap Ruurd Feitsma

Valid, point, Royce Allen Dudley! They are indeed inter connected. Still, lighting is such a key thing, it could use a separate lounge. Especially for people that are just starting out?

Geoff Boyle's, NSC - 'Cinematography Mailing List' does this too, as do many other (pro) DoP's on their personal website(s). :) I think it would make things more specialised and besides that it will give a more clear overview for members.

Royce Allen Dudley

Yes, CML is really the lone go-to for professionals; I've been on it since the last century. I intentionally didn't mention it as it isn't newb friendly as a forum; moreso useful as a database to be certain. The problem with most public forums is they get watered down and basic, and people whose opinion is conjecture gets taken for fact, clouding the effort for true education. Things like webinars, books, good active youtube channels by the few that know what they are talking about seem to be great resources.

Andrew Sobkovich

I too have been on CML for decades and other groups before that. CML is worthwhile, but is best viewed with a jaundiced eye toward the serial posters who are more interested in elevating their status (at least in their own myopic view) than sharing information. That doesn't seem to be a problem here as there is so little activity.

Andrew Sobkovich

As there haven't been any new postings for a couple of weeks, is there actually a need for another lounge that is partly a subset of this one?

Royce Allen Dudley

Andrew Sobkovich, exactly on both counts.

Jaap Ruurd Feitsma

I do think gaffers and other crew within the electric department would love a lounge that represents their specific field. They hardly get any credits as it is. Let’s give them their credits here, on Stage 32? :) Could also be a nice place for gaffers looking for new crew. Grip, electrics and cinematography are intertwined, but also stand apart.

Andrew Sobkovich

Jaap I agree with you. There used to be such a forum but it disappeared a while ago. Too bad. Stage 32 seems to have evolved towards writing first and then everything else.

Royce Allen Dudley

Andrew Sobkovich seems like all web filmmaking forums become either equipment discussion sites or budding screenwriter sites.

JD Hartman

They're (S32) totally stilted towards things they can charge $$$ for. Can't charge for things other discussion sites give away for free/

Jaap Ruurd Feitsma

Maybe you're right, Royce Allen Dudley. I kind of feel like a platform like Stage 32 should offer a 'lounge' for every department, from pre-production. to post. Sure, there will be discussions.. but there will also be advice, feedback and feed forward moments. It's a great way to keep developing your skills.

Jaap Ruurd Feitsma

Also, Royce Allen Dudley: electric in the end is not really about the equipment. It’s also a creative element and process that serves the initial story.

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