Introduce Yourself : Composer, Sound Designer, Teacher by Keith Kehrer

Keith Kehrer

Composer, Sound Designer, Teacher

I have been a vocalist, multi-instrumentalist, composer, producer and voice actor for the last 30+ years. I teach people to do what I do and guide other creators in how to use music to enhance their projects.

I am interested in working with people doing interesting things and open to an inquiries about my services.

I am also working on some scripts that have a musical cant with elements of sci fi, documentary or dark romance. I would love to find a script writer to work with on some of these projects.

I is great hanging with you guys. I hope to find some creative playmates.

Keith Kehrer

Keith Kehrer

Thanks Derek

Stephen Olson

Writer, willing to collaborate or exchange the written word for the musical voice.

Terri Marie

Hello Keith. Congratulations on your skills and using them effectively. Music is SO important to film. Keep up the good work!

Keith Kehrer

That sounds good Stephen. I am open to collabs of all kinds. KK

Rachel Walker

HI Keith!

Great to hear! I am open to collabs! I am just finishing up a new tune , featuring Tony Franklin and Elliott Randall, can't wait to release it! All one-stop-shop regarding my songs :-) Here is a link to my website if I can be of any help!!

Have a beautiful day Keith!!


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