Screenwriting : One-sheet by Pierre D. Chambers

Pierre D. Chambers


Hello had a producer request a one-sheet from me before they read the script. What is the "one-sheet" really? So many different takes on it.

Phil Clarke

Hi Pierre. This is a decent link from a site you can trust:

Pierre D. Chambers

thanks, I saw that one

Sofi Odelle

That's a great link. Thanks, Phil.

Doug Nelson

A 'one sheet' aka, a 'leave behind' is essentially a synopsis of your story. It's generally a little thinner than a story treatment but fatter than just a logline and used by the people you just met with to remember who pitched what during post meetups/conferences (it's also a sampling of your writing skills).

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

It's a logline and synopsis. You may want to check out an S32 block I wrote about submitting a written pitch.

Jim Boston

In a written pitch, am I restricted to Courier New or Times New Roman for a font, or is it all right to use any reasonable, legible font out there?

Jim Boston

Kay, thank you!

When it comes to writing the actual screenplay and a standalone synopsis, I actually DO play close to the vest and follow the rules...including when it comes to fonts (Courier New for the scripts I type out with Final Draft 6, Times New Roman when I use Libre Writer to do the synopses by themselves).

So...with so much at stake, I'll only use one of the two aforementioned type faces for written pitches.

Anything to keep myself from getting labeled as an amateur.

All the very best to you, Kay!

Howard Koor

It sounds like a one sheet is a treatment, or am I incorrect?

Howard Koor

Thank you Kay Luke.

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