Introduce Yourself : Been Deep Diving into Buffy... by Duncan Star-boszko

Duncan Star-boszko

Been Deep Diving into Buffy...

What else can you do with your partner when you're separated during a pandemic, but watch through a couple shows from the 90s-2000s. In this case, Buffy and Angel. I'll admit: It's my first time going through them. They are a product of the time. There's a lot of things that I take issue with, mainly Xander, and a bunch of the not-so-fun-basically-sexist-offhand-characters-and-lines, BUT I've got to say, I'm a big fan of the way the later seasons often form triptychs with the other series episodes, really interesting parallels that allow for you to take in a different point of view of a scene in the opposite tv show. Has anything been attempted like this since?

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Duncan Star-boszko ! Love this discussion you've started!

To answer your question - in a way, yes. The CW's Arrowverse created The Flash, Supergirl, etc. Not only does it launch a spin-off show, but it allows for cross-overs, big and small. And the great thing is - they ALL remember it and respond to it differently. In Arrow, things are more dramatic, in The Flash, things are more light-hearted, AND the characters notice. I highly recommend watching them in chronological order. If you can stand the cheese of Buffy, then you'll appreciate the CW's DC verse as well.

Would you do me a favor and re-post this in the "Anything Goes" Lounge? I'd love to know what other people think! If you post it, I'll help to stoke the conversation!

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