Introduce Yourself : Greetings by Nitara Osbourne

Nitara Osbourne


Hi everyone!

I’m so excited about being part of this Stage 32 community. It’s only been about a couple of months now since I’ve joined, but it’s been one of the most rewarding networking and educational experiences I’ve had in the film industry.

Opportunities to learn, connect, and to grow seem to be all over the place. I get excited to get an email from Jason Mirch ( Stage 32 Director of Script Services) or Amanda Toney (Stage 32 Managing Director) because I know their emails I are offering some potential opportunity for me to move forward. I appreciate Stage 32 SO much!!!

I’m a screenwriter looking to get staffed on a TV show. In order to make that dream a reality, part of my plan is to create more original pilot samples in 2022. I have a ton of features, shorts, and web series episodes that I’ve written. But it’s my understanding that you can never write too much. I love screenwriting and every script completed is a learning experience. So while I’m meeting new people, cultivating industry relationships with those I already know, you will find me writing.

Here is my profile link to learn more about me.

I’m looking forward to learning more about all of you and how I can support your dreams and endeavors. Happy Holidays!

Frank Baruch

Welcome to the platform Nitara! Looks like you're on the fast track to success. We both have similar goals and I'm sure are sitting on a similar amount of work. I agree, you can never write too much.

Nitara Osbourne

Thank you for the warm welcome, Frank! I appreciate that and the network connection! I saw your profile and see that you’re also in sunny San Diego. I know COVID doesn’t always make it easy to connect in person, but I would love to connect over the phone or via Zoom. Maybe next week or after the holidays. Just let me know what works for you.

Frank Baruch

Don't mention it, Nitara ;) Small world, huh. Next week would work well for me and I greatly appreciate you reaching out! I'll DM you my phone number so we can talk business.

Clayton Dudzic

Welcome Nitara, looks like you have achieved via hard work in getting the right pieces toward the film industry. Your determination will inspire young writers like yourself to make it work. Here Inside the Lounge under Screenwriting, there is a on going discussion, "What maxims are disappearing" in that Male writers not authentic enough when it comes to penning Female lead characters. I invite your opinion on that.

Nitara Osbourne

Sounds good, Frank! Thanks!

Nitara Osbourne

And thank you for your kind welcome and supportive words, Clayton! Regarding my opinion on penning female lead characters, I would be glad to weigh in on that conversation within the Screenwriting lounge at some point. But for now, I’ll just say that I wish people (male and female writers alike) would write authentic and empowered women without making apologies for their confidence and success. And perhaps it is a challenge to do if a writer doesn’t see women like that in their life or can’t visualize the possibility of that type of character. That’s also why I believe it’s great when you have writers who can bring different perspectives to the table based on who they are and how they see the world.

Solange Plaza

hi Nitara, nice to meet you, that intro was such a burst of positivity :) Hope to hear you got staffed soon.

Nitara Osbourne

Thank you for the kind words and support, Solange! What projects are you working on right now?

Solange Plaza

Hey Nitara. Happy New Year to you. Sorry for the late reply, for this year I am working on a couple of short film projects. I've got lots of pre production work to do.

Allan Tamshen

Welcome to Stage 32.

Nitara Osbourne

Hi Solange Plaza! No worries about the delay in getting back in touch with me. I understand. It sounds like you’re pretty busy with the projects on your plate.

Nitara Osbourne

Thank you, Allan Tamshen! I love this platform! I wish I would have gotten on here sooner! Stage 32 has been a game-changer for my screenwriting career. I appreciate everyone so much!

What projects are you working on right now?

James Welday

Welcome, Nitara!

Nitara Osbourne

Thanks, James!

Allan Tamshen

I’ve produced/wrote a short film entitled Black Eyes with Jason Baduwalia who plays one of the Power Rangers. You can see it on Amazon Prime just add Jason’s name after title.

Chris Joye

Hello! I've met Amanda a few times and she's wonderful! Nice to meet you!

Nitara Osbourne

Nice to meet you as well, Chris! And Amanda IS wonderful, as well Jason and so many others on this platform. I’m having a great experience on Stage 32. I just wish that I would’ve joined sooner.

Nitara Osbourne

Thank you, Rebecca! I appreciate the support. Wishing you the same! What projects are you working on right now?

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