Introduce Yourself : Intro by Keenan Frederick


Hi all,

Recent film school graduate and aspiring editor trying to get into the industry!

Looking to meet people and nerd out about editing and film in general, and hopefully build some lasting connections.

Let me know your favorite film quote! Mines: "We all go a little mad sometimes".

Thanks everyone!

James Welday

Welcome Keenan, I was once in your shoes. Film School graduate with a degree in Editing. My favorite film quote would be from The Apartment ("That's the way it crumbles, cookie-wise"), coincidentally released the same year as yours.

Frank Baruch

"I'm ready for my close-up Mr. Demille." Sunset Boulevard 1950.

Leonor LeRu

Welcome Keenan! Nice to meet you!

James Welday

Frank Baruch anything Billy Wilder (and his various co-writers) came up with, was gold.

MB Stevens

Welcome to the family Keenan

Frank Baruch

James Welday You mentioned him in another post, and I forgot to reply. I emphatically agree! Dialogue that holds up even 70 years after the fact. God, I miss the classic era of filmmaking.

Talus Night

Hi Keenan, I have too many film quotes I dig,...."Listen to them, children of the night. What music they make"......"Can't rain all the time"..." I feel like a little fish on a big f#@kin hook",... "No matter where you go, there you are "...

James Welday

Frank Baruch, he was the best writer/director, and served as an inspiration to my wanting to be a writer.

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