Introduce Yourself : Hello my people! by Shubham Kadam

Shubham Kadam

Hello my people!

This is Shubham, I've just joined. I'm new in this site so i don't know much about it, but I'm sure I'll find some lovely peoples who have same interest as mine. Thriller, Horror, fiction is the genre i'm really into it, i do write some stories that have connection with real-life. Let's make a movie together, i would really love to be friend with you!

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome, Shubham Kadam. Glad you're part of the community. What projects are you working on?

Shubham Kadam

Can't reveal it now, but i will give you small hint : it's a short film based on real-life incidents or i would say teenagers problem. I haven't start working on it just wrote the whole story, waiting for production house approach.

Rosemond Perdue

Hello Shubham, welcome here I think you will find many other writers/producers who are working in thriller/horror are.

Shubham Kadam

I have seen some producers who are into thriller/horror but i haven't contact them because they're from other countries, so I'm trying to find some producers from India. Thank you for welcoming me!

Gary Keyes

What's up, Shubham!

Eyo Obot

Welcome Shubham. This is my first time here as well

Shubham Kadam

Welcome here Eyo!

Eyo Obot


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