Introduce Yourself : Director by Meg Halski


Hi Friends~

I just moved to LA from St. Louis where I've had a 20 yr. career as a commercial and documentary producer, director, and writer, building out fantastic crews and creating content all over the world. I can't wait to make new friends while chasing my dream of directing TV and Films in LA. My goal right now is to land my first deal memo so that I can finally join the DGA. It's a lockbox that I'm determined to crack! My work experience includes writing, producing, & directing hundreds of branded projects, several narrative shorts and music videos, an episodic docu-series and a narrative feature. My latest narrative short, Tenuto, has had several fun wins this year on the festival circuit. I'm currently in development on an ensemble drama series about a washed-up footballer set in Dingle, Ireland and a comedy series centered around Russian espionage and an 80's New Wave band in Oxford. All this is to say, I have had some great experiences making but I'm terrible at networking, so that's why I'm here! So, how do you do?! It'd be lovely to meet you.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Meg Halski. Congratulations on the festival circuit wins!!! The "Tenuto" trailer looks incredible. How do you like LA so far?

GiGi Raines

Hey Meg! Congratulations on making the leap to move to LA, and your recent wins with your short! Networking is the name of the game, happy you're here introducing yourself. Sounds like you have some awesome projects coming up! Feel free to write us a if you want some pointers on who you could meet with to give you feedback on your scripts and next steps feel free to reach out!

Sally Ann Marks

Welcome and good luck.

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