Introduce Yourself : Greetings from NoCal by J. Franklin Evans

J. Franklin Evans

Greetings from NoCal

I mostly write horror features and shorts, though I have written in other genres. I relocated to Northern California a few years ago from Georgia, though there's still a lot of my Georgia accent present in my writing.

if you want to hear my accent in my speech listen to my podcast, Stories That Suck, where I narrate my own work.

Have a great week and happy holidays!

Sara Curran

Hello, Nice to meet you.

Maurice Vaughan

How's it going, J. Franklin Evans? Are you working on any Horror features or shorts?

J. Franklin Evans

Maurice Vaughan Not lately. I'm taking a break, concentrating on the podcast and working to get my existing catalog of screenplays some exposure.

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, J. Franklin Evans. Is your podcast on Google Podcasts?

J. Franklin Evans

Maurice Vaughan Yes, it's on there. Please, check it out!

Maurice Vaughan

Great, @J. Franklin Evans. I just subscribed to your podcast.

J. Franklin Evans

Outstanding, Maurice Vaughan ! Thank you so much!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, @J. Franklin Evans.

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