Your Stage : Woman of the Year by Lynn Santer

Lynn Santer

Woman of the Year

I have just heard that out of the three categories of nominations I received for the Heart of Women Award (one for arts, one for charity and the big one for “Woman of the Year”) I didn’t make the cut for the first two… but I am a finalist for the big one!! I am absolutely utterly gobsmacked quite frankly!!

The few finalists were selected from 400 nominations locally. The winner will be announced at the Award Ceremony 9th March, in conjunction with International Women’s Day.

This is the blurb they’re using about me:

Lynn Santer enterprisingly sent her first story to a publisher when she was only 9 years old. By the age of 12 she had won all possible awards from the children’s arm of the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals, the Busy Bees, and an extra award they created just for her of “Outstanding Effort”. She also started an awareness and appreciation group for wild animals at her high school. Since then, Lynn has been made an Honorary Life Member of the AfriCat Foundation for work to save endangered big cats, she’s been awarded by the Queensland Leukaemia Foundation for work she’s done to support local disabled and disadvantaged children through her Magical Scarecrows “Let’s Make Magic” celebrity variety days and “Kids Who Read Succeed” campaigns, she’s founded an interfaith peace initiative called “Passion for Peace”, she produced a series of ground-breaking and internationally award winning documentaries that expose the sinister underbelly of the trophy hunting industry, she’s been integrally involved with fundraising activities with her good friend Aldwyn Altuney and Aussie Wildlife to save local orphaned and injured wildlife, she’s authored a hit anthropomorphic novel about our local wildlife and much much more.

I am overwhelmed, honoured, and very very excited

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