Introduce Yourself : Hello again! by J. Franklin Evans

J. Franklin Evans

Hello again!

(Mostly) horror screenwriter hailing from Northern California (previously Georgia) here.

I haven't been up to much, screenplay-wise. Sort of making some decisions about what direction I want to take at the moment. In the meantime I've created a podcast, "Stories That Suck," that you should be able to find wherever you get your podcasts from. It's a showcase for my own work.

I've also just started something I'm calling "Movietalk with Jeff" where I discuss someone who is important in my own development as a writer and as a movie fan -- usually a director or screenwriter. So far I've only done two -- Ridley Scott and William Goldman were the ones I discussed there so far. I also include links to the person's films on Prime so people can click over to watch for themselves --- and, I'll admit, hopefully make me a buck or two in the process.

If the Movietalk with Jeff interests you, you should be able to find what I've done so far using the hashtag #movietalkwithjeff on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. I may have forgotten to use that for the Ridley Scott article so you can use #directedbyridleyscott to find that one.

I hope everyone is having a pleasant, stress-free weekend!

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, J. Franklin Evans. I just looked up "#movietalkwithjeff" on Twitter (X). When you make a "Movietalk with Jeff" post, maybe add a sentence about how the person was important to your development as a writer and movie fan. Just a thought.

J. Franklin Evans

Yes, good idea. Thanks!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, J. Franklin Evans.

Nick Phillips

Welcome J. Franklin Evans! What are some of your favorite horror films?

Ashley Renee Smith

Thank you for taking the time to reintroduce yourself to the community, J. Franklin Evans!

J. Franklin Evans

Nick Phillips Alien is my all-time favorite. Also John Carpenter's The Thing. I tend to like creature features, mostly.

Nick Phillips

you're speaking my language J. Franklin Evans! Two of my top choices as well!

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