Introduce Yourself : I am Nobody by Mohammad Montasar Al Mamun

Mohammad Montasar Al Mamun

I am Nobody

In my papers lots of scripts, In my minds thousands of planing of different films making strategy and millions of shoot Divisions. Now busy in a book publishing in Amazon self publishing. After that if got budget then 20/25 different Stories of 1971 freedom fighters true story based short films and finally 4 full leanth films in freedom fights. If. That plan works then next 5/8 years I will be engaged in those projects.

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Mohammad Montasar Al Mamun. I suggest adding a profile picture. People will feel more comfortable networking and collaborating with you if they know what you look like. And if you have a picture, your profile will show up when someone searches for you.

Geoff Hall

Hello Mohammad Montasar Al Mamun how is life in Dhaka, Bangladesh?

Emily J

Hi Mohammad Montasar Al Mamun! So glad you're part of Stage 32! That's really exciting the projects you have going on. Would definitely recommend checking out the education on Stage 32, it's a great resource for all aspects of filmmaking, including budgeting >>

David P Perlmutter

Hey Mohammad Montasar Al Mamun good luck and congratulations on self publishing the book. Check out the author and writing blogs and features.

Sam Rivera

Welcome to Stage 32 Mohammad Montasar Al Mamun thank you sharing and encourage you to check out the different lounges and classes we have to help improve upon your projects!

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