Introduce Yourself : Hello to all here at S32 :-) by Matthew Kelcourse

Hello to all here at S32 :-)

My name is Matt and by day (parttime - semi-retired) I'm a veterinary surgeon. I sold an action/adventure option a quarter century ago (never made it to production) and then got into golf, traveling for 7 years around Oz, etc... Then, stressing as many others were after Jan 6, my wife suggested I start writing again, and here I am. Learning, writing, rewriting, and loving every minute of it. My creations are a mixed genre of action/sci-fi/thriller types making their way through competitions and constant rewrites. Hope everyone is having a great year so far :-)

Maurice Vaughan

My year's going great, Matthew Kelcourse. Hope yours is too. I don't play golf, but I played minigolf growing up. I like watching golf on TV. Did you hear they're making "Happy Gilmore 2"? I'm guessing it's gonna be about golf.

Nick Phillips

Glad to hear you got back on the keyboard Matthew Kelcourse!

Matthew Kelcourse

Hey Maurice Vaughan - for Netflix, yeah! LMAO at the first one :-)

Matthew Kelcourse

Nick Phillips - KB is a great place to hang out, indeed :-)

Maurice Vaughan

I'm looking forward to "Happy Gilmore 2," Matthew Kelcourse. Adam Sandler's other Netflix movies are funny/fun! I'm sure "Happy Gilmore 2" is gonna be too.

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