Anything Goes : Fundraiser by Walter Jakubowski

Walter Jakubowski


LOCAL NEWS ARTICLE Local Filmmaker Seeks Production Funding Making First Feature Films After Life of Illnesses I am Walter Jakubowski, and have had an interesting health history, which has led to my current endeavor. I was born with Congenital Heart Disease and at the age of 3 months old he underwent his first of six open heart surgeries. I have a bovine valve which must be replaced within the next several yearsI have had two pacemakers operations and have had back surgery to correct partial paralysis. I began making short movies using the family 8mm camera, as a way to pass the time while recovering. I took my love a step further and went on to earn a BA in television/film production. I am now taking things a major step further and putting two feature films into production: "Briar Lake" and "Foreseen.” I am seeking local financing for both films, with a goal of raising $550,000. Information on both films can be found at Donations large and small can also be made at: OR OR Please direct media inquiries to: Walter Jakubowski 773-315-3674 or

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