Acting : Really wanna be an Actor by LaRoche Jackson

LaRoche Jackson

Really wanna be an Actor

Hello everyone my name is LaRoche Jackson and i'm new to this site. I'm living in Cleveland Ohio. I'm a professional arena football player. I really wanna get into acting and would love any advice that i can get. This is something i been wanting to do for a long time, along with playing football. I never knew what route to take or anyone to ask! Thanks for your time!

Jenny Scott

The best thing you can do is get experience. Nothing is better. So to begin why not just get together with a few friends and make a short film using whatever equipment you have at hand. Sure, it'll be rubbish, but I guarantee you will learn so much and take huge steps forward if you do this. And the second film you make with friends will be much, much, better.

And then you can start looking for work on local productions (non-paid and/or student, etc) and get some more experience.

Good luck!

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