Introduce Yourself : Warm greetings to my new friends and colleagues by Tom Freyer

Tom Freyer

Warm greetings to my new friends and colleagues

Just wanted to introduce myself to Stage 32, and begin to learn about each of you. I am a screenwriter and filmmaker from California, graduate of the Pro Series at SU, currently living in Texas (moved here for an advertising creative director job). Just finished first draft of fourth screenplay--I know, they said there would be no math--and preparing to connect the dots. But enough about me. Would love to learn more about you. "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit at the typewriter and bleed." --Hemingway

Fozi Habayeb

Great!!!do u intrested about some one his dram is be an actor but he cannt cuz he is in Syria in the war

Peter Rzazewski

Hey Tom.

Tom Freyer

Thanks, Maikah.

Reece Elisabeth

Best of luck with your projects Robin

James Aquino

Hi reece...thanks for the invite....nice to meet you here....

Vandi Clark

Hi Tom! Thanks for the intro. I'm an actor who is always looking for work. LOL! Aren't we all? I've been acting since I was 8 and now am in the 55+ group. Inserting shameless self-plug: If you or someone you know needs someone, my age, you can reach me directly at

Tom Freyer

Hi Vandi. Thank you and all the best.

Marie Pier Perreault

Hi Tom, welcome to Stage 32 :) It's always nice to meet other writers, best of luck with your writing!

Bill Hartin

Hey Tom - Always to glad to see another SU PS Alum...I was in PS38 with a great group of folks. One of them just got representation (I'm sure it was the notes I gave her) LOL.

Tom Freyer

Thanks Bill. Hope you're next. Then me. LOL

Lourvey Bourdan

I have several stories in my head that want 2 come out but cant geez i wish icould sit at a computer and just "bleed it out" but welcome just the same

Amanda Nevarez

I agree with Lourvey. So many things I love to sit and write but time is a very precious commodity. Great introduction btw!

Tom Freyer

Thanks Amanda!

DJ McDivitt

keep up the great work.. DJ

T J Brearton

"There isn't any secret [to writing]. You sit down and you start and that's it." - Elmore Leonard

T J Brearton

Lourvey and Amanda - just so you know, that wasn't in response to anything you said, but inspired by Tom's Hemingway quote! :)

Tom Freyer

It's true. Thanks TJ. Can't strike out unless you swing. Can't homer either.

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