Introduce Yourself : Hi from Orlando, Florida! by Lowrie Fawley

Lowrie Fawley

Hi from Orlando, Florida!

Hi! I'm Lowrie Fawley. I am a former stage actress and co-founder of a non-profit theatre production company who has just spent the past year transitioning from stage to film work. I have fallen in love with film, and have managed to garner a few Indie credts thus far. I am in love with the horror and sci-fi genres, but am open to any project that interests me! I am also a writer and educator (I teach college literature to keep from starving!) I am looking to expand my reach and hope to eventually make my art my sole career. As a side note, I love seeing all the UK faces on here. That is where I would LOVE to go for film or television work! Keep me in mind if you are looking for an actress!

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