Stage 32 Meetups : Maine by Kelly Sherwood

Kelly Sherwood


Meetup in Maine UPDATE: September 20th at 5:00 pm at the Frontier Cafe in Brunswick? I've got a table reserved for our group and will need a head count by the 16th.

Amanda Toney

Kelly, when you do your meet up, don't forget to take a photo and send it in to Stage 32. We'd love you to help us celebrate our 3rd anniversary!


Sounds like a great idea !

Kim Gordon

Keep me posted!

Karen Sullivan-Thorne

Keep me posted!! :)

David J. Mauriello

sounds good

Kelly Sherwood

Hi to all the Stage 23 members in Maine, I am planning a Meetup at the Frontier Cafe in Brunswick at 5:00 pm. They will be showing the film "Boyhood" at 2:00 pm if you want to watch that before we meet in the bar area at 5:00 pm. Those who wish to can stay for dinner. There will be a band playing at 8:00 pm. The band is Amy and The Engine with Special Guests Old Soul. The style of music is "indi-folk-pop". Don't feel that you are obligated to partake in anything other than the meetup in the bar area. I chose the Frontier because they are very supportive of the arts, especially indie films. Please let me know if you are coming so I can have a head count. Also please let me know if you want to stay for dinner so we can reserve a table. Thanks, hope to hear from everyone soon, Kelly Sherwood

Kim Gordon

This sounds like fun. You don't mention a date.

Kelly Sherwood

Sorry, I guess I forgot to say that the date is Saturday September 20th. Let me know if you want to stay for dinner too. See you there, Kelly Sherwood

Kelly Sherwood

Hi everyone in the Maine group! I just talked to the owner of the Frontier Cafe. We have a table for ten reserved for 5:00 pm. It doesn't matter whether you just want drinks or you want to eat, he said it gets really crowded on a Saturday night and it was better to do that. We can expand the size of the table to fifteen if needed. I need a head count by Tuesday September 16th. Thanks everyone, Kelly

Kim Gordon

Away that date but I hope to make the next one.

Kelly Sherwood

Sorry to hear that Kim. See you at the next one, Kelly

Karen Sullivan-Thorne

Cannot make it Sept 20.. have a commitment /looking forward to next meeting! :)

Kelly Sherwood

Sorry to hear that. Hope we can meet up some other time in the future. Kelly


Good location ! Will mark my calendar !


I will try to attend, have to rearrange my work schedule a bit though.

Kelly Sherwood

Great! Looking forward to meeting you. Kelly

Kelly Sherwood

Hey all you Mainers! Whose coming to the meetup on September 20th at 5:00 pm at the Frontier Cafe in Brunswick? I've got a table reserved for our group and will need a head count by the 16th. Hope to see many of you there, Kelly

Amber Lucille Brown

That sounds like fun. I will see if I can make it.

Kelly Sherwood

Hi Amber, the meet up was a month ago. Sorry. Let's try this another time in the future. Kelly

Amber Lucille Brown

Oh I guess I should pay attention to the dates before I comment (laughs). I look forward to the next meet up. Thank you for letting me know.


Amber, if any consolation, I missed the meet up as well ...want to try again too :(

Amber Lucille Brown

That would be great Isaac.


Thank you Amber ! Been busy trying to stay afloat ...;)

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