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By Roberta M Roy

GENRE: Experimental

COVID arrives and in silence, a mourning woman living alone copes in isolation, masks as needed, and is eventually vaccinated after which only then is she able to welcome others into her home.


Throughout this script, there is no heard talking until the last scene. Instead, MUSIC PLAYS that synchronizes with and highlights the actions of the characters.

Forced home by COVID, Sarah Syms, a normal, healthy woman in her sixties to seventies lives alone in her first floor condominium. She is mourning the loss of her only child . . . a son. When COVID first presents, Sarah isolates. Then, when masks become available she masks, first with one of double thickness and then with an N95 filter inserted. To avoid the crowds, she has her groceries delivered to her door after which she cooks and eats alone. She entertains herself by doing such things as jig saw puzzles. Eventually the COVID shots become available and then the boosters and at a certain point she is able to join a younger woman outside on the woman's porch where they both remove their masks and sitting distantly, drink coffee and chat. As these life events occur, the seasons change, Sarah decorates to observe first St. Patrick's Day then Christmas then when the weather is warmer she eats outside and three years pass and finally, following everyone being first tested for COVID, a group of eight young and more mature adults gather in her home for dinner and Sarah welcomes the. Estimated budget: $6-8K

Eric Soulas willing to write the instrumentation for this production.

Image attribution: 11757135.jpg|


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Tasha Lewis

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Roberta M Roy

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Nathaniel Baker

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Nate Rymer

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Marcel Nault Jr.

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Marcel Nault Jr.

A simple premise, at first glance, but a more complex one because I feel as though the main character goes through a change of some kind.

DeShawn Buckner

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