Imran’s first experience of the media came at the age of nine when he pushed through a camera scrum to meet Mohammed Ali as he arrived at Heathrow airport.
After studying Human Biology at Kings College London, Imran made the logical move into television. Completely by accident he realised he had found the job he had always wanted. He worked relentlessly for the next two years getting involved in everything he could until 1996 when he was eventually employed at BskyB as a trainee cameraman.
Imran's science training has given him a desire to learn and his high level of concentration and attention to detail suit the industry well, the creativity and diversity of the work keeps it interesting.
Having worked as a freelance cameraman since 2000, Imran purchased his first Steadicam in 2004 and completed the SOA Steadicam Workshop in Chester Springs Pennsylvania in May 2005 taught by Jerry Holway and Garrett Brown.
In 2009 Imran was chosen to direct tense thriller The Last Seven. Set in a deserted London, The Last Seven features Tamer Hassan, Simon Phillips, Ronan Vibert and Daisy Head. The film was released theatrically through Metrodome in 2010 and is available on DVD and Blu-Ray.
In 2011 Imran completed production on short films “Sound” and “Superheroes Anonymous” which are now on the festival circuit and is in pre-production on his next short, “CuckoO”.