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By Elyssa Catalfano

GENRE: Drama, Animation

Three MMOG players get infected by a virus that leads them to being the only people to stop monsters from escaping the game and destroying the world through the public network.


A Japanese High School student named Natsuo, plays a popular online game called Sword & Gun using his avatar named Kito. He is invited to an event, which if Kito wins, allows him to upgrade his gear. Natsuo is used to being on his own but is thrust into teaming up with new friends, Bleu and Dante, if he wants to conquer the event. Something goes wrong when the team is attacked by an unkillable Dungeon Boss. They try to battle it out, but the room warps them to another location.

They come face to face with a strange Knight that zaps 3 them with a powerful attack that causes Kito to exit out of the game. This results in Natsuo’s avatar to change in style and clothing, and to gain new abilities as well. With his new teammates, he tries to figure out what is going on. They consider contacting the Game Administration, but Natsuo does not want to lose the hours he spent on his avatar. In the virtual world, they try to figure out what to do next, but in the real world, chaos ensues. The traffic system is being attacked by an unknown entity. Cars are piling up and traffic has stopped in different parts of the world. Natsuo has no idea why until he gets an email admonishing him for not finishing off the Dungeon Boss from the event. Kito, Bleu, and Dante head towards the last event location to find a wormhole has opened within the game that leads to the public server.

After their grueling battle with the infected Dungeon Boss, they reset the traffic system and save the world. The trio do not understand what is going on but believe they are the only ones who can end the infection. The episode concludes with Bleu telling the group he will think about continuing in the game and logs out. This is where it is revealed to the audience that Bleu’s player is an adult female living in France.


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