Wes Hofmann

Wes Hofmann

Actor, Comedian and Producer

San Jose, California

Member Since:
August 2013
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Wes

In 2004, Wesley took an eight week comedy college course with comedian Kurtis Matthews and The San Francisco Comedy College. Four weeks of the class focused on writing and four weeks focused on performing with a final performance held at Rooster T. Feathers Comedy Club in Sunnyvale, CA. Wesley surprised his peers ("where did this quiet kid get all that energy?") and made many connections on the comedy circuit thanks to the class.

Wesley went onto San Jose State where he appeared in numerous stage productions including in February 2005 as the lead role of George Milton in Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck. In Fall 2007, he gradauted with his Bachelor Arts Degree in Theatre Arts.

Today, Wesley continues to audition for theatre productions and perform stand-up comedy. "The two different art forms really help make each other stronger," Wesley says. "I love the challenge of stand-up, because it is only you, yourself, and there are expectations to make people laugh. With Theatre, you have a much bigger support group and a script that is written for you, but the adrenaline is still just as amazing."

Wesley's comedian influences include Jim Carrey, Daniel Tosh, Bill Cosby, and Steve Martin. He has performed comedy at places such as the San Jose Improv, Rooster T. Feathers, UC Santa Cruz, San Jose State, Stanford University, and more! He also currently produces two monthly comedy shows in Gilroy and Morgan Hill.



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