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By Anthony Cawood

GENRE: Horror, Sci-fi
LOGLINE: A grieving Doctor cannot understand why the syhthetic skin grafts keep disappearing, she suspects a thief but the answer is much more macabre.


Dr Katie Brewster returns to work after a bereavement. She is responsible for the hospital's synthetic skin graft programme and notices that some of the grafts seem to be going missing. She becomes increasingly convinced that it's the grafts themselves that are moving, escaping, But her boss thinks it's her mental state that's the issue, and Katie thinks he could be right. Until she see's the skin move.


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Rosa Lafantastica

Wow, I really liked this one a lot! The end was a real kick in the pants. However, no clue why the synthetic material was acting that way? No supernatural or sci fi explanation?

Anthony Cawood

No I avoided any explanation of the synthetic skin because I didn't want to bog down the short... I have plans to expand this into a feature, so explanation will be revealed then.

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