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By Laurel Ellis

GENRE: Drama, Thriller

A teen witch underestimates her powers which, once awakened, her evil father would do anything to possess.


Elizabeth “Eli” Toler spends most of her time skipping school to find and photograph long forgotten cemeteries. A witch by birth, her powers are limited to the ability to see spirits and affect small objects around her.

At the cemetery in town, Eli attempts to clean a stone, but quickly learns her methods don’t fly with the groundskeeper, Tony. Feeling bad after yelling at her, he offers to teach her how to properly restore headstones. When Eli accepts, a burst of energy pulses out from her to the historical society to be felt by her guardian; a healing witch named Louise Walsh; then continues out to her father, Joshua Toler; locked away for attempting to drown Eli when she was six for the power that’s just been awakened. And suddenly the spirits are looking back.

To clear her mind, Eli goes for a drive on back roads where she’s lured by the spirit of 8-year-old Dora Easton to an abandoned farmhouse deep in the woods. While trying to discover what Dora wants, Eli is chased away by the gun-toting spirit of Dora’s father.

When Eli’s estranged mother, Renee, calls to say Joshua’s dying, Louise tries to convince both of them to get together and have Renee train Eli. Neither agrees. Eli is more worried about what’s happening with the spirits and dismisses Renee outright. Louise gives her more background on the Easton family, then continues to urge her to talk to Renee.

Needing to return Dora’s doll which mysteriously appeared in her truck, Eli, Jana and Trevor go to the Easton house. Trevor goes inside to explore and the girls take the doll to Dora’s gravemarker. When a cry for help draws the girls inside the house, they find Trevor locked in a second story room with a rotting floor with no idea how it happened. Eli uses her power to get him out and they return to Louise’s house.

Renee makes a surprise appearance at Louise’s and Eli storms out. Louise explains to Eli that she needs to let Renee teach her how to use her power before Joshua dies, for the safety of herself and her friends. Eli reluctantly agrees for Jana and Trevor’s sakes, but quickly loses her patience with Renee’s methods.

Eli returns to the Easton house to ask Dora what she needs. Dora shows her that she’d been killed by her own father then buried in the woods. When Eli confronts Mr. Easton, she inadvertently pulls his energy into the crystal she wears on a necklace. Now free of her father, Dora reveals that she was using Eli to break free of the father who killed her to keep others safe from her sadistic ways. Taking Eli to The Shadowlands -- a holding place for trapped spirits -- Dora threatens her friends and Louise, then uses Eli’s fear of Joshua to get her to surrender her power. Instead, Eli uses the newfound ability of her crystal to absorb Dora’s energy and stop her.


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