Dan Gordon wrote an episode of "Starship Troopers: animated series," optioned 4 scripts, developed 3 TV pilots - "The Undetected" with Rennie Sharp, "Savage Magic" and "Fractured Angel" both with Judy Teel, best selling author of the "Shifty Magic" series on Amazon.
Currently, He is in post production with his feature film "Blood Pledge" which he co-wrote, directed and produced.
Blood Pledge has been released! You can rent it here:
Blood Pledge
by Spring Break Films.
Writer, director, producer 5 Pledges trapped in a cabin with an alien. High concept and intelligent, really.
"Swarm" - Episode #5 - Starship Troopers: Roughnecks Animated Series
by Columbia TriStar
University of California - Santa Barbara