Yvonne Paulin

Yvonne Paulin


Stamford, Connecticut

Member Since:
June 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Yvonne

I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio watching The Ghoul, a late night creature-feature series hosted by this guy named Ron Sweed. He ran old horror movies, lots of black and white classics, lots of B stuff. He dubbed-in crazy soundbites during the movies and during the breaks, he blew up stuffed animals with firecrackers. It was a crazy mix but I was hooked and it transformed my dysfunctional, midwestern living room into escape-land. Creatures, phantoms, monsters, and movies have been a part of my life ever since.

I’m an environmental scientist and a science junkie. Graduating with a BS from Miami of Ohio, I went on to receive an MS in Environmental Science from the University of Texas. I have worked for the USEPA, worked as a chemist for a private environmental testing lab, and taught preschool science.

I’m also a writer. In 2015 I received a Screenwriting Certificate from New York University’s School of Professional Studies.

My scripts have placed in contests and film festivals including, the Austin Film Fest, the Nicholl Fellowship, the Seattle International Film Festival Catalyst Screenwriting Competition, Bahamas Film Fest Writers Residency Program, and the Athena Film Fest LA TV & Screenwriting Labs.

Today, my writing reflects my love of thriller/horror movies and my passion for science.


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