Eleanor Rocha's Reel

Serenbe Playhouse - NARNIA Trailer

Review from Broadway World: "Of the four Pevensie children, my favorite performance was a tie between Eleanor Rocha (Lucy) and Brandon Smith (Edmund). Both gave emotional, endearing performances, with both having the most fleshed-out storylines of all of the characters."

Trailer for "The Trade" by Impressive Productions

This is the movie trailer for the recent film I was in for the 48 Hour Film Project Atlanta. Movie premiere is Monday, July 18.

Rotten to the Core Jazz Solo - Applause Talent

FIRST Place Double Platinum! Chattanooga, TN Applause Regional Dance Competition Song: "Rotten to the Core" by Sofia Carson Choreography: Alex Preston


Disney Open Call Audition 2015

My 2015 Disney audition. Wish me luck!!


Voiceover Demo 2015

Showcase Tap Number - Bell Hop Boogie

Our competition tap dance.



Eleanor Rocha Voiceover Demo 2014

Small sample of voiceover work Eleanor has done over the past year.

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