Alejandro Behar

Alejandro Behar

Niña Buena Studios.
Actor, Director, Production Coordinator, Subtitler, Translator, Voice Artist and Filmmaker

Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
September 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
Invites sent:

About Alejandro

I was Born and raised in Mexico City where I started my career as an actor at 13 years old; first in theater in Musicals such as Grease and the Beauty and the Beast (Disney story didn't even exist then) Then (by 16) I started participating in Telenovelas and participating in comedy series, I studied communications and worked in Mexico City in advertising for a couple of years. In 1999 I arrived to the US where for a while continued to work for hispanic advertising agencies until a 180 degree turn introduced me to the Direct Response industry first doing voice-over, then hosting and finally producing and directing. I also did my days as Radio announcer for three years.

In 2012 as Niña Buena Studios with Ricardo "Pekas" Aranda I directed my first short (Mor Mexican!) which was selected for the Los Angeles Short Film Festival.

Currently working on different projects that range from short film to cartoon animation and Feature film.

Inspired by the comedy and talent of Key and Peele, Ben Stiller, Jim Carey, Bill Maher and classic Roberto Gomez Bolaños “Chespirito.” Trying to follow the steps of Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino, the Coen brothers and Wes Anderson.

Filmmaking for me is the ultimate job, the one that while doing it won't make me feel like I am working, So, if you think I can be valuable to your production in any way, shoot me a message, I'd be happy to talk to you and see how can I help. Oh! and by the way... I am fully fluent and bilingual in English and Spanish.

Unique traits: My controversial sense of humor. A rhetoric freak who has the need to use eloquence to create favorable and convenient ambiance. I make constant use of analogies to get a point across (both when writing and in life).




  • "Truce" (on going project)

    "Truce" (on going project) (2014)
    Film (short) by Niña Buena Studios Writer, director, producer

  • Mor Mexican!

    Mor Mexican! (2012)
    Film (short) by Niña Buena Studios Director

  • A Todo Mecate

    A Todo Mecate (2011)
    Television by Niña Buena Studios and Global TV Producer, actor, writer

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